Colander wig base

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Base with holes for a foam wig. Ideal for a foam wig where the strips remain upright on their own!


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This pattern is the ideal base for your foam wig!  The pattern consits of 2 parts of pre-cut foam. It can easily be adjusted and made to size. After this, you can blow-dry the the components and notches together. You will then have a kind of cap, on which you are going to build the wig. This base has which makes it easier to get the 1cm (0.39in) foamstrips upwards. You can string the foam strips so you don’t have to te heat them. Very pleasant and safe for childeren! See our: Instruction video

Additional information

Weight 0,21 kg

Black (Truffle), Pastel pink (Flamingo), White (Manaslu)

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